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Valentine’s Day Gift

This is worthy of its own post.  This afternoon, Maggie came back from the gym and said she wanted to go to Taco Bell to get a small bite to eat.  I went along with her, b/c not only had I been a little stir crazy being home and cleaning most of the day, but I can’t resist the 89-cent chicken burrito also.

We pulled into the drive-thru and after some misunderstanding with the person taking our order (why would I want extra lettuce with my iced tea?), we proceeded to the window where they handed me our food, and then the manager came to the window and handed me a big red and white gift bag and said that it was a Valentine’s Day present from them.

Ooooookay, that seems weird.  Instead of opening it right then and there, I thought I should drive away just in case it was something ridiculous.  Sadly, a severed head was the first thought that popped into my head.  I pulled us into a parking space and looked in the bag and found a brand new 64 GB Apple iPad!  After a split second of wondering why Taco Bell just gave me an iPad, Maggie’s lack of a poker face gave it all away as she orchestrated the whole thing.

I’m not one for receiving gifts, just never been my nature, but not only was the actual gift itself awesome (especially those who know about my recent frustrations of not winning an iPad), but the hilarious execution made it all the more amazing.  I think I was in too much shock to laugh hysterically, but this was a great prank/present.  And couple with the birthday surprise back in August of Blanche and how that was delivered to me (came home from work, Maggie told me shower was leaking, go upstairs and there’s Blanche in the shower), I may start expecting these great gifts more often.  (What can I expect for President’s Day next week?)

Thank you very much to my lovely and talented wife.  You are my blog muse and I’m very lucky to have you to love and to be loved by you this Valentine’s Day, even if you’re going to be in Vegas the next few days.  Try to win some money baby, so I can get all the fancy apps for this mega-phone, mini-laptop contraption that I’ll be obsessed with now.